A Biblical, Motivational, Practical, and Transformational Course
to Help You Grow in Everyday Friendship with God
- Does your relationship with God seem drab and dull, when you desire closeness and companionship?
- Do you desire a deep friendship with God on a daily basis but just don't know how to get there?
- Are you weary of trying harder, and just want help in regaining that friendship with God that you may have lost through so many daily demands?
This course focuses on growing deeper in your relationship with God and developing your everyday friendship with God. You will learn how to practice and cultivate God's presence. You will also discover and begin to appreciate in a deeper way the many ways the God brings us deeper in friendship with Himself through difficulty. Learn about the dark night of the soul and the desert experience. Discover many keys to growing strong in friendship with God. This course is filled with motivational teaching segments to help you grow deeper in your friendship with God.
Everyday Friendship with God is creatively designed in a practical format in order to in order to bring you into a deeper and more fulfilling friendship with God. It will empower you towards a deeper relationship with God. You will be empowered to help others as well. There is no greater way to live in the end times than to grow in friendship with God.
"Debbie has done a remarkable job of explaining the fine details, and practical considerations, that one needs to take into account in raising up a prayer covering for your city. Debbie's insights are inspiring and encouraging, and I am certain the fruit of her hard work will be many, many more people who are mobilized to pray for their cities. And of course the outcome will be transformed cities, nations and continents."
- Mike Bickle, Director, International House of Prayer Missions Base (IHOPKC)
This Intercessors Arise School of Prayer Course
A Biblical, Motivational, Practical, and Transformational Course to Help You Grow in Prayer and Intercession
This comprehensive course is creatively designed in a practical format in order to help you grow in your prayer life. It will empower you to help others grow in prayer and intercession as well. It’s filled with bite-size learning experiences in a step-by-step format in order to give you the highest learning experience possible. It also includes:
- Motivational articles for you to read and download that relate to each teaching.
- Checklists at the end of each module to help you in the practical application of each module.
- Worship music and videos to help you to study and apply each teaching.
- A prayer manual starter kit to keep you organized spiritually for a lifetime of growth and development.
- Colorful power point presentations to help visualize the entire training experience in depth.
- A few animated videos dispersed throughout this course to help bring life vibrancy into your learning experience.
- Biblically-based course material that is filled with Scripture to provide a solid foundation to all that you will learn.
- Video prayer training that will help to bring life and truth into your heart in a deeper measure.
- Free downloadable prayer giveaways to enhance the learning experiences and to help you grow in prayer.
- Practical, bite-size inspirational teachings to enable you to go at your own pace and easily apply each lesson.
- Motivational prayers for you dispersed throughout the course to empower you to greater depths in prayer and intercession.
- A personal flavor from our mission's base here at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City.
- Creative ways to build community into your learning experience.
- Discovery assignments to help you learn in bite-size pieces that are easy to apply, especially for those with a busy schedule.
- Life-time access to this course to further help you deepen your relationship with God and your prayer life.
Course Curriculum
- Welcome to the Course (8:06)
- Everyday Friendship with God Introduction (5:49)
- My Prayer Testimony and Background (3:57)
- Everyday Friendship with God Course Curriculum (1:35)
- FAQs and Resources
- Your Everyday Friendship with God Starter Kit (4:38)
- How to Prayer Journal (6:53)
- Worship Music to Help You Grow in Friendship with God
- Everyday Friendship with God Introduction Checklist
- My Prayer for You! (1:54)
- Introduction: How to Practice God's Presence (4:12)
- How to Become a Best Friend of God (13:33)
- The Joy of Soaking Prayer (5:37)
- How to Soak in God's Presence (7:40)
- Contending for God's Presence (9:34)
- My Prayer for God's Presence (5:30)
- The Joy of Prayerful Meditation (6:25)
- The Value of Meditation (9:10)
- How to Prayerfully Meditate (9:26)
- A Prayer to Cultivate God's Presence (4:58)
- Practicing God's Presence Checklist
- My Prayer for You! (2:34)
- introduction: How God Brings Us Deeper in Friendship (4:25)
- Treasures of Wisdom Released in the Prayer Room (6:08)
- Clay on the Potter's Wheel (7:29)
- Shaping the Messenger (5:45)
- Shaped by the Hand of God (8:02)
- The Desert Experience (6:03)
- The Hiddenness of God (7:04)
- A Prayer When God Feels Far Away (4:01)
- Spiritual Benefits of Experiencing God's Hiddenness (7:48)
- My Prayer to Benefit from a Season of Hiddenness (4:35)
- The Dark Night of the Soul (7:43)
- How to Face the Dark Night of the Soul (7:43)
- How God Brings Us Deeper in Friendship Checklist
- My Prayer for You! (4:46)
- Introduction: Additional Keys to Growing in Friendship with God (3:35)
- Learning to Listen to God (7:08)
- How to Hear God's Voice (15:33)
- The Power of Praying God's Word (11:03)
- Houses of Prayer
- The Urgency of the Hour (10:26)
- How Shall We Then Live? (11:43)
- The Overflow of a Consecrated Heart (5:59)
- How to Cultivate a Consecrated Heart (10:30)
- A Cry for God to Come
- Additional Keys to Growing in Friendship with God Checklist
- My Prayer for You! (4:34)
- Introduction: Prayers to Help You Grow Deeper in Friendship with God (3:48)
- My Prayer to Grow Deeper in Knowing God (2:48)
- My Prayer to Grow Deeper in Cultivating God's Presence (4:58)
- My Prayer to Grow Deeper in a Passionate Prayer Life (2:34)
- My Prayer to Grow Deeper in Insight and Wisdom in Prayer (3:00)
- My Prayer to Grow Deeper in Effective Prayer (4:24)
- My Prayer for an Unhindered Prayer Life (8:38)
- My Prayer to Grow Deeper in a Strategic Prayer Life (4:53)
- My Prayer to Grow Deeper in Trusting God in Hard Times (8:38)
- My Prayer for Total Dependence (4:45)
- Prayers to Help You Grow Deeper in Friendship with God Checklist
- My Prayer for You! (4:43)
- Everyday Friendship with God Conclusion (5:10)
- The Call to Mentor Others in Prayer (13:07)
- How You Can Receive Eternal Life
- Intercessors Arise Intimacy with God Courses
- Intercessors Arise International School of Prayer
- Intercessors Arise Additional Training Opportunities (3:13)
- Recommended Resources
- A Prayer for Power in an Intimate Relationship with God (7:18)
- Everyday Friendship with God Conclusion Checklist
- Intercessors Arise Certificate of Completion (1:07)
- My Prayer for You! (3:04)
Hi, I'm Debbie. Your Prayer Coach
Debbie Przybylski is the founder and director of Intercessors Arise International and provides training in prayer through her websites, articles, prayer channels, books, and courses on prayer. She has written several books and over 300 motivational articles on prayer. She is the Director of the Intercessors Arise International School of Prayer and has created over 70 courses on prayer. Debbie is part of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, MO (IHOPKC). She is a prayer coach and trainer with 45 years of experience in prayer and intercession. Debbie has been a long-term missionary with Operation Mobilization (OM) and has ministered in over 65 nations. She and her husband were training directors on board the mission's ship M.V. Doulos. Debbie's husband, Norman, is the founder and director of Elijah Company, Inc. Debbie serves alongside him in their ministry of praying, training, equipping, and helping to start Houses of Prayer throughout the Mediterranean rim nations. They envision intercession and missions uniting for global harvest. Her training includes: a Diploma in Bible Theology and one in Christian Education from Moody Bible Institute, and a Master's Degree in Cross-Cultural Christian Education and one in Missions with a Counseling Certificate from the Columbia Biblical Seminary.
"I believe Debbie Przybylski of Intercessors Arise has been called by God for such a time as this. The year is 2020 and our nation is in turmoil. I truly believe that prayer to the One true God is the only answer to our nations healing. Debbie's courses and books are deep, and they leave you wanting more and to go deeper in your intimacy with God and increase your prayer life. I have known Debbie for over 20 years and you will find no one in my opinion who has a calling and an anointing for prayer and teaching on prayer as she does."
-Susan Tameris, Bible Teacher
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What Others Are Saying About Debbie's Books

Pastor, Gibraltar
“I delayed picking up Ascending the Heights in Prayer until one day while in the prayer room, I felt constrained to pick it up and couldn't put it down. This is not a manual on how to do prayer, this is a book that is written from the experience, and with the passion of someone who believes in prayer and allows that belief to permeate her life. I don't know of anyone I have shared this book with who has not been touched and encouraged by it. I have no hesitation in commending this book to any who would want to encourage others into making use of this great resource we have at our disposal. I believed prayer worked before I read this book. I am more than ever convinced of this and committed to encouraging others into the idea of 'community' prayer.”
Floyd McClung
President of All Nations Cape Town, South Africa,
International leader in missions
Best-selling author
"I believe we all long to know the deeper things of God. Deeper Still is a must read if you want hope and faith to be built in your heart to know the secrets to a life of deeper trust and understanding of how prayer touches the heart of God. Debbie Przybylski has a heart for God - and she writes with a profound understanding of the ways of God. She has been tested with fire and writes with that deeper kind of faith that is produced in the furnace of affliction."

Rebecca Greenwood
Cofounder and President of Christian Harvest International, author
“Debbie had laid out a powerful guideline in the power and anointing we are called to in prayer. She takes us deeper in the Holy Spirit and the intimate and strategic places of the Lord, encouraging us to pursue God’s love, to walk in the His presence, submitting our lives in a personal relationship to Him. We have a rich inheritance in the Kingdom of God, called to partner with the Lord in hearing His heart and voice and agreeing with Him in prayer. Deeper Still will challenge and take you on a journey into the cherished and hidden places of the Lord and release you to be an anointed, empowered, effective intercessor and warrior. Thank you, Debbie for writing this book.”

Olivia M. McDonald
Professor, School of Communication and the Arts
Regent University.
Director of National Day of Prayer, Virginia Beach
“Deeper Still: Secrets to a Deeper Prayer Life by Debbie Przybylski is a Holy Spirit packed guidebook heralding the power of prayer for today. By masterfully placing within reach God honoring insights on how to pre- pare for prayer for ministers, missionaries and the like-minded who love the Lord, Debbie dares us to examine more fully what God has empowered us to do. We really can more effectively exercise divine reach in this world through prayer. I love this book.”

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Frequently Asked Questions:
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
Dick Eastman, International President
Every Home for Christ
I am absolutely amazed at the movement of prayer God has initiated in America and throughout the world. There has been nothing like it in all the history of the church. For many years now I have had the privilege to travel the globe (sometimes six times in a single year) and have repeatedly seen the tremendous things God is doing in and through His praying people. As the years have passed, I have seen with my own eyes the emergence of a mighty army of intercessors who are Touching Heaven with their prayers and transforming cultures as the result.
As we approach the return of Christ, and as this global movement of heaven-touching prayer continues to impact every part of our planet, I believe God will give the church prayer strategists like Debbie Pryzbylski who will receive profound insights into the depth and impact of these prayers. Ascending the Heights in Prayer is an excellent guide accomplishing precisely this. I cannot recommend this book more highly. It is a guide prepared through a lifetime of the author’s prayer experiences that will provide any intercessor, young or old, rich treasures that will transform his or her prayer life.
Equally important, Ascending the Heights in Prayer reminds all followers of Jesus that prayer is the natural result of a living relationship with God and that from this relationship we each can become world-changers. This profound truth, and a multitude of other equally vital truths found within the pages of this marvelous book, may well change the way you approach God in prayer! As you soak in these pages (and I pray you will) I am certain you will be refreshed in your resolve to approach God’s throne, ascending ever higher and higher into the riches of His infinite presence. And when you arrive at that place you won’t want to selfishly stay there. You will want to rush out to a dying world and invite all you meet to experience the very joys you have found in ascending those same heights, that they may encounter the Lord as you have.
Read this book today. Don’t miss another moment. And then invite others to join you on this joyful journey to new heights in the presence of our wonderful Lord.
Founder, All Nations
Former International Executive Director, Youth with a Mission (YWAM)
Best-selling Author
THE ONLY REAL WEAPON Satan has to use against us is to lie. He lied to Adam and Eve in the garden, he lied to Jesus in the wilderness, and he lied to Peter when he put the thought in his mind that Jesus should not die on the cross. But his lies have power in our lives when there are unresolved emotions in our lives, such as fear, anger, guilt, lust, and jealousy. These emotions give power to the lies of Satan. And they provide a landing strip for the enemy to gain entrance to our beliefs. If we believe a lie, it has power.
Breakthrough Prayer provides the needed insights and tools to overcome the lies of Satan. One might think, "Well, just believe the truth and you will be free." If it were only that easy! We do wrestle against principalities and powers. If the battle against Satan were easily won, there would be no wrestling. And Paul would not have warned the Ephesian believers of their need to take the enemy seriously.
We do fight spiritual battles; all of us, and this book is just the kind of tool we need to win those battles. I commend it to you. Debbie Przybylski has learned to fight well. She has won her own battles and has gained the kind of spiritual authority needed to prepare others to be victorious. You can trust Debbie. You are in good hands when you allow her to "train your hands for war."
Graham Power
Prayer is truly the most effective tool that a Christian has at his or her disposal—not only does it connect one to God (the source of all true life), but it also gives you strength, encouragement, insight, and blessing to face your daily journey and change the world around you.
When I accepted Christ as my savior in 1998 I would never have imagined that God would use me to mobilize millions of people to prayer and repentance! After all, I am a guy who had spent his life growing a company that builds roads, houses, and commercial developments. It would have been much easier for me if the Lord had simply asked me to build clinics or orphanages. But God knows what is best. And so the Lord gave me an instruction to call together all of the Christians in our city, Cape Town, South Africa, for a day of repentance and prayer in 2001. To my amazement 45 thousand people came to that first day of prayer at the Newlands Rugby stadium! Something special had be- gun, and those stadium prayer events spread throughout South Africa, Africa, and eventually the world. In 2008 we had over 350 million people from 215 of the world’s 220 nations participating in Global Day of Prayer events on Pentecost Sunday all across the globe! It is humbling and awe inspiring to see what God can do through obedience and prayer.
From the very start I knew that the Global Day of Prayer was intended not as a ‘single day’ event. No matter how many people we brought together for a single day of prayer in a city, it would never be enough. What God desires is a lifestyle of prayer. It is a joy to witness how the humble cooperation between churches during the ten days leading up to the Global Day of Prayer each year is bringing about such a lifestyle of community-based prayer. In South Africa alone we have more than six thousand 24-hour a day, 7-day a week, prayer watches—these include churches, marketplace ministries, educational institutions, and even prisons!
I am certain that God is pleased by this commitment to pray for our world, interceding for the needs and concerns that break God’s heart as much as they break ours. I can also say with certainty that prayer changes things! We have thousands of testimonies of how faithful and righteous prayers have transformed both individuals and communities.
It is for this reason that I was overjoyed to learn of this book on 24/7 prayer. Debbie has done a remarkable job of explaining the finer details, and practical considerations, that one needs to take into account in raising up a prayer covering for your city. Debbie’s insights are in- spiring and encouraging, and I am certain the fruit of her hard work will be many, many more people who are mobilized to pray for their cities. And, of course, the outcome of that will be transformed cities, nations, and continents.
My prayer for you is that you will be blessed and encouraged as you read this book, and that you will have the courage and the commitment to act upon what God may want to share with you about prayer for your city! If we stand together, we can see the whole earth transformed by the Glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).
DR. GWEN R. SHAW Founder & President
End-Time Handmaidens, Inc.
It is through the fires of testing that we are taken deeper into God’s presence and deeper into a life of prayer. Our hour of desperation can be our finest hour if we turn to God, who is the only One who can meet us at that point. Debbie met God in her hour of desperation and together with the Holy Spirit has given us the fruit of that meeting combined with years of training by Him in prayer. This book, Deeper Still: Secrets to a Deeper Prayer Life, is one of those anointed books that captivates the heart and draws one closer to God. Debbie challenges the reader not only to a life of prayer but of communion with God in a place of hiddenness, a place that she herself has found and can write about with clarity.
You, the Reader, are embarking on a wonderful journey. As you open this book, you will find answers to your many questions and you WILL find the secrets to a deeper prayer life within these beautifully written pages, secrets that have been well worked out in the author’s life. Thank you, Debbie, for pressing in to God and giving us this beautiful gift from Him.