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Keys to Overcoming Despair and Discouragement Mini-Course
Part 1: Keys to Overcoming Despair and Discouragement Mini-Course
Welcome to this Course
The Intercessors Arise School of Prayer Mini-Courses (5:18)
Overview of Keys to Overcoming Despair and Discouragement Mini-Course (2:07)
The Devil's Tool of Discouragement (7:15)
Worship Music to Help You Face Life's Difficulties
FAQs and Resources
A Prayer to Develop a Worshipping Lifestyle (5:46)
Module 2: The Power of Writing Prayers and Journaling
Benefits of Prayer Journaling (7:49)
How to Prayer Journal (6:53)
A Prayer of Lament (5:56)
How to Write a Prayer of Lament (5:37)
A Prayer for You! (1:06)
Part 3: The Problem of Despair
The Problem of Despair (7:55)
Ways to Overcome Despair (11:46)
My Prayer to Overcome Despair (5:37)
A Prayer for a Right Response in Troubled Times (6:52)
Part 4: Unlocking Our Identity in Christ
Keys to Unlock Our Identity in Christ (9:51)
Believing the Truth About Your Identity (6:48)
A Prayer for Knowing Your Identity in Christ (7:55)
A Prayer to Know God's Delight in Us (5:15)
Module 5: What's Next?
There is so much more! (1:56)
Intercessors Arise Facing Life's Difficulties Courses
The Intercessors Arise International School of Prayer
A Free Gift for You!
Drawing New to God (5:05)
A Prayer for Joy in the Midst of Difficulty (5:19)
Closing Song
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The Intercessors Arise International School of Prayer
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